Certified Real Property values are as of 07/25/2024
Subscriptions available for more detail on the "Real Estate Search" lookup
If interested, please contact Kevin Bishop at kbishop@lincolncomo.gov
Values displayed are uncertified 2025 values - the values will be certified in July
Website Personal Property account information is updated on a nightly basis.
Original Declarations are due by March 1st to avoid penalty.
Second Notices are due back by May 1st to avoid penalty.
Notices received after May 1st are subject to penalties set forth by MO State Statute 137.280.
Link to statute: http://www.moga.mo.gov/statutes/C100-199/1370000280.HTM
IMPORTANT: If you have not received a list and owned any personal property as of January 1st, please notify our office.
A new Tax Estimator has been added to the Personal Property website. If your account is marked Active Completed, then you will be able to see your estimated taxes.
If our office has not received the current years assessment notice - it will be noted as "INACTIVE".
NOTE: Please be aware that the tax shown is an estimate and taxes are subject to change depending on tax year levies.